Therapist Newcastle
Therapist Newcastle

Therapist Newcastle

Therapist Newcastle | Mell La Valley, LMFT

When it comes to finding the best Therapist Newcastle, Mell La Valley is renowned as one of the most seasoned Marriage and Family Therapists in the area. Her practice offers simple mental health solutions that can benefit anyone in need of counseling. She incorporates proven techniques and tools that are known to assist with relieving stress, alleviating anxiety, and at the same time lower your ability to fall into negative thinking patterns. Together we can discover basic principles and the most common methods for upholding the healthiest state of mental being.

Common Mental Health Tips From a Therapist In Newcastle

#1. Try writing your thoughts down, it will be extremely therapeutic and help with identifying areas of concern.

No matter who you are it always feels better when you can vent about events and things that are happening in your life currently and in the past. When you harbor negative feelings and frustrations it can quickly develop into a cruel place psychologically. This can also create potential detrimental physiological issues. Mell encourages journaling and as a highly useful tool to maintain optimal mental health and thus physical health. When you write down your thoughts it will assist with keeping track of shifts in your mood and will provide you with the opportunity for venting without a fear of being judged. Journaling also serves as a release so that you no longer have to keep your thoughts and feelings pent up inside you. Keep in mind, that it does not require lengthy, deep, or even cohesion when it comes to journal entries. The crucial aspect of this is putting pencil or pen to paper and actually doing it.

  • Tip: Try writing at a specific time every day to keep track of your mental health over time.

#2. Proper exercise, enough sleep and a healthy nutritional plan have a huge impact on your mental health.

Therapist NewcastleA human body is intricate and a very complex system that is made up of many different moving parts. Your brain is the most dominant organ by far and is generally affected by any and everything you do and encounter. Exercising will release influential chemicals that are largely accountable for your emotions that you experience. Norepinephrine, Dopamine, Serotonin and other neurotransmitters play vital roles your mood, memory, energy level, sleep and overall chemistry. If you combine better nutrition with exercise and good sleep, these neurotransmitters are more equipped to stay in balance and will promote mental and emotional regulation.

  • Tip: When you begin a new plan it is best to start with smaller exercise and diet goals that are easier to achieve before making drastic commitments.

#3. It is best to shift your perspective when you encounter negative thinking.

Everyone talks to themselves and the way you do it can have a massive influence on your own self worth. This concept is particularly true for persistent and extended periods of negative thinking. Contemplate these situations:

  • When and if you lose – “I fail at everything I attempt.”
  • If you are invited to an event – “It will not be fun or it will probably suck so I just will not attend”
  • If you are given a compliment – “If you knew who I was you would never say that.”

When you fall into this kind of negative pattern of thinking, insert anything that is positive to avert these types of emotions and thoughts. Recognizing and giving yourself some deserved credit for what you did that day or in the past is an emotional benefit. When you go out in the world, use these new opportunities to accomplish smaller goals. Just allowing yourself some credit for a few small events that you are thankful for will assist with eliminating these negative patterns and thoughts from escalating and getting out of control.

  • Tip: When you perform any type of kind deed when you go somewhere you do not need to inform anyone about it. Just enjoy how it makes YOU feel.

#4. Writing a positive affirmation and posting it in an area that you encounter daily, especially in the morning will help with getting the day started right.

Say a variety of positive affirmations vocally out loud while engaging yourself in the mirror. This will have a huge effect on your feelings and attitude all throughout the day.  This reinforces notions that are true and allows you to have a few brief moments that let you focus purely on yourself.

  • Tip: Carry at least one affirmation with you whether in your car, office, wallet or purse and then pull it out when you feel distressed.

Check out this link and the Top 5 thoughts on why people refuse counseling. Counseling Newcastle

Visit Mell La Valley, LMFT and end your search for counseling Newcastle. Or schedule an appointment soon by calling (916) 719-2520.

Areas of Expertise

  • Child and adolescent issues
  • Pre- and post-adoption issues
  • Parenting and co-parenting counseling
  • Family and blended family issues
  • PTSD and trauma-related issues
  • Depression/anxiety
  • Personal and spiritual growth
  • Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
  • Mindfulness-Based Awareness Skills for Emotional Well-Being

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