Licensed Therapist in Roseville
Licensed Therapist in Roseville

Licensed Therapist in Roseville

Licensed Therapist in Roseville | Mell La Valley

You will find that there is a common thread in the mental health field. It is now clearly recognized that drug dependency and trauma are linked together. An ideal environment for healing and coping is to find a counselor that is experienced in dealing with a variety of traumatic issues and co-occurring disorders that involve dependency on drugs and alcohol . Mell La Valley, a Licensed Therapist in Roseville, will provide the trauma therapy while at the same time, working together with an addiction specialist during treatment.

Licensed Therapist in Roseville

Substance abuse and addiction have a high probability to greatly influence the lives of the users themselves and that of those around them in countless ways. Many of these actions will leave long lasting traumatic memories. When a person is attempting to maintain a lifelong freedom from addictive habits they are oftentimes involuntarily forced to deal with experiences that are traumatic. They generally occur as a consequence of their substance abusing or what initially contributed to the decision to start using substances and how the abuse began.

In this article we will investigate the significance of seeing a Licensed Therapist in Roseville for dealing and coping with traumatic events. Trauma therapy will help you develop healthier methods for coping that will allow you to overcome the burden of alcohol or drug dependency. As we progress through this article you will learn about a variety of techniques that a Licensed Therapist in Roseville will incorporate for trauma therapy. Contact Mell La Valley today to schedule an appointment with what we believe to be one of the most experienced trauma counselors in the Greater Sacramento area and Roseville.

The Relationship Between Trauma & Addiction

Psychologically speaking, trauma has a basic definition and is described as any situation or event that a person cannot cope with that produces long lasting emotions that are negatively based. Having traumatic experiences is, regrettable, and very common as over 60% percent of men and 50% percent of women at one time or another will have experienced at least one traumatic event (statistics from the National Center for PTSD).

Persons might encounter trauma based events as a witness or victim throughout different phases of their lives in a plethora of ways, including:

  • Abuse
  • Violence
  • Sudden Loss
  • Death
  • Bullying
  • Assault

The handful of techniques people choose to deal and cope with a traumatic experience or event are diverse, but according to research a shocking percentage of people choose coping methods that include alcohol or drugs. That figure is as high as 76% percent according to the National Child Traumatic Stress Network.

Additionally, the probability of experiencing a traumatic or negative event is considerably higher for a person who makes the decision to take part in any type of substance abuse. The main reason why is that as many as 66% of all experiences resulting in some degree of trauma are often preceded by substance abusing that can result in engaging in risky and dangerous behaviors and behavioral patterns.

A Variety Of Methods Are Employed When Undergoing Trauma Therapy

A Licensed Therapist in Roseville will provide trauma therapy that incorporates a variety of mental health and psychological techniques that will help you to learn how to regulate your brain to reduce or eliminate “bad” thoughts and negative/uncomfortable emotions that are commonly associated with trauma. Trauma therapy comprises everything from focusing on a healthier daily lifestyle to Emotional Freedom Technique, to Equine Assisted Psychotherapy and more.

A combined methodology is the most practical approach in the mental health arena as all of these methods have already been researched and established as being highly advantageous for the treatment of co-occurring mental disorders that involve any type of substance abuse. The crucial aspect to keep in mind is that when you use alcohol or drugs to self medicate or heal from trauma related experiences it has absolutely zero lasting value. In fact it will more than likely lead to more destructive behavior and can actually exacerbate many different mental issues further, thus creating more potentially toxic situations.

The initial step for a proper recovery is to absolutely recognize when it is the right time to make a change in your life that will last. Having assistance from a Licensed Therapist in Roseville or trauma counselor, it will become more attainable to achieve and thus escape the traumatic cycles of substance abuse. When you finally get to a point where you reach and maintain a life that is free from drug or alcohol abuse it will become much easier day to day.

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Licensed Therapist in Roseville

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